Japanese Cemetery Park i Singapore

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SingaporeJapanese Cemetery Park



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825B, Chuan Hoe Avenue, 549853, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6468 0066
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Latitude: 1.36535, Longitude: 103.876795

kommentar 5

  • Penghao Chen

    Penghao Chen


    The place might be the most Japanese feel corner in any part of Singapore, as the tombstones and stuff are all following the Japanese standard. It is a rather controvertial place where it symbolize the Japan people’s advocating those criminals who did bad things during the war. I only visited it after I moved out the area for four five years.

  • en

    Arthur Tan


    This is a quiet and serene park when you can learn about the Japanese people in Singapore in the past.

  • Peter Lamm

    Peter Lamm


    Very well maintained, draws a steady trickle of visitors. Most signage in Japanese so don't understand most if what i saw but it is peaceful and reverential

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    Ryan Tan


    A quiet and serene spot hidden in an estate. Small Japanese stylings everywhere. Place well taken of by Japanese caretakers.

  • Han Xiang Chew

    Han Xiang Chew


    Interesting place. You'll learn a bit about the Japanese people living in Singapore during the olden days. There's nothing scary about the place, in fact quite peaceful and garden-like. It is quite a walk from the nearest bus stop and is hidden among the private houses. Be careful to walk on the correct road or you will have to make detours.

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