Phoon Huat i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporePhoon Huat



🕗 åbningstider

Blk 248, Simei St 3, Singapore 520248
kontakter telefon: +65 6654 4333
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Latitude: 1.3436196, Longitude: 103.9536788

kommentar 5

  • Ian Ngiaw

    Ian Ngiaw


    Best place to buy any baking/cooking supplies in Singapore. Everything is usually around half the supermarket prices.

  • Siah Wen Zhao

    Siah Wen Zhao


    Cheap baking supplies. Almost 50% from the pricing that supermarket sells at! Get all your baking needs here!

  • en

    Jonathan Kwa


    Good place so shop for baking ingredients for passionate bakers.

  • Ivan Tang

    Ivan Tang


    Great place for affordable baking ingredients. Dont bother buying at supermarkets because you can settle your baking needs here easily and cheaply

  • Lina Little

    Lina Little


    You can get all your baking needs here - from ingredients, to utensils, packaging etc. The staff are friendly too. Do note that the walking space between the shelves are a little tight, so maneuver with care - especially if you're carrying a big bag. And oh, if you're paying by cash, you get to enjoy a tiny bit of (1.5%) discount! Haha..Just thought you may want to know that! 👌😉

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