Riders Cafe i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeRiders Cafe



🕗 åbningstider

51 Fairways Dr, Singapore 286965
kontakter telefon: +65 6466 9819
internet side: www.riderscafe.sg
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Latitude: 1.3429718, Longitude: 103.7971977

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michelle Wu


    Took mum for a birthday brunch for an enjoyable & relaxing ambience to unwind. Feel transported back in time to the British era. Mum's feedback was that it would be better if the quality of food improved. Eg: sunny side-up eggs tasted pre-cooked instead of freshly cooked, the bacon looked stale.

  • Han Nguyen

    Han Nguyen


    Great location and ambience but very average food... wouldn’t come all the way here unless there’s something on at the saddle club next door. Service is warm and friendly though!

  • James Loo

    James Loo


    Visited the cafe on a Tuesday evening, close to 6. The place was quiet and absolutely stunning with the late afternoon sun. Got a table next to the windows and you’ll get to see the horses with their riders and coaches returning to the stables after training. The service was prompt and the staff was attentive. The quality of the food was acceptable and best of all, the parking was free.

  • en

    Winson Chua


    Food is okay. Tried the set which comes with French onion and mussel with the slow roasted pork. The mussels don't taste fresh which is quite disappointing but I guess for the price of the set one can expect not everything to be great. The slow roasted pork and Dessert is good. Service is average. The one by the door is good and then it just goes down from there. Young staff are still okay, the more senior ones look unhappy to need to clear tables etc, and when we found missing items instead of apologizing, he insisted there is no such item that comes with it until we had to point out the menu then it came. It was probably an isolated case but still made my first visit a dull one😔

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    Elgin Tan


    Been a while since I visited. It was crowded on a weekend afternoon and wait staff did their best to attend to everyone promptly. Food wise nothing to complain, we didn’t order much as we had lunch earlier. The coffee was sadly below expectations. Good atmosphere to chill part of your afternoon away.

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