Ang Mo Kio Public Library i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeAng Mo Kio Public Library



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4300 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6, Singapore 569842
kontakter telefon: +65 6332 3255
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.3748182, Longitude: 103.8455686

kommentar 5

  • Yoong Daren

    Yoong Daren


    Beautiful public library with plenty of open space, high ceilings and natural light. Came here with my wife and daughter. They enjoyed the wide collection of children’s books on the ground floor, and there’s an activity room at the back for reading. There’s a big playground across the road and the library is near Ang Mo Kio MRT Station. My mom-in-law used to work as a librarian at this branch back in the 1980s. Highly recommended for parents!

  • Lee Jia Xuan

    Lee Jia Xuan


    The study area beside the Cafe is very convenient as I can hang out over there with my friends

  • en

    H2 O


    Library with comprehensive collection of books magazines and publications for students researchers and book worms. Shopping Centre within walking distance to Ang Mo Kio MRT bus interchange and Ang Mo Kio Hub. Plenty of shopping dinning banking postage cinemas entertainments amenities library nearby including NTUC Childcare. Friendly cosy comfy welcoming ambience for romantic intimates groups students visitors tourists Expats locals and families.

  • Tzy Yee Thye

    Tzy Yee Thye


    I went to Yishun Library frequently, and comparing to it, I prefer AMK library more. It has lots of plug which is really important. Yishun Library has charging point but all at one place, which is hard for me to study while charging.

  • en

    Deckrocker 34


    Loving these types of stand alone buildings. Most of the library nowadays are located inside the shopping malls. Although it is quite a far walking distance from AMK MRT station, but is still one of the best library. Plenty of seats with plugs, but can expect the seats to be occupied during exam periods.

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