AngelFlorist i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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8 Admiralty Street, #05-16 Admirax, Singapore 757438
kontakter telefon: +65 6908 1788
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Latitude: 1.46213, Longitude: 103.815813

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michael McDonald


    Hi if you want to receive roses that are red but brown edges this is the florist! If you want to complain about the quality no no this is not the florist. If you want a flowers to send to someone that you really do not like and you want the flowers to die after a day - yes this is the florist for you!! They offered a diamond for a prize during valentine day for customers - they can shove that diamond up their ... all I wanted was some lovely flowers for my dear wife on a special day -- I am so disappointed. Why Why could they not offer a refund or a credit for future purchase if they were truly a reputable company. Many post like mine forget them forever To recap on my review - On the 27th Feb the company called me and gave me a full refund on my purchase and free flowers on the next bunch of flowers. Valentines day was on the 14th Feb and I sent a response on 15th feb. The gentleman said that my email had been overlooked. Good that the company came back to me.

  • en

    John Ho Shumin


    Worst experience, wife told me never buy from this florist anymore, flower looks dehydrated which is big different from the website photo. Compared to the past of the years buying from other florist like hxxmxxx and fxxexxx, this year flower looks cheap and seems like wrapped by newbie. Checked the history on year 2014, found that order didn’t deliver on 14 Feb 2014 and no reason provided.

  • Trish Paril

    Trish Paril


    Received the flowers so pretty! 💓 flowers quite so-so, but still made me smile upon seeing it, lovely!

  • en

    Learn Excelprint


    This is more like an experience from hell. I ordered a bouquet for my wife last yr on Vday and the flowers were withered even when she received it! Then I tried to contact customer service and no one, yes no one replied me. And they still have the cheek to keep sending me regular emails to order flowers from them. NEVER EVER AGAIN!

  • Koh Mandy

    Koh Mandy


    I would like to say thank you to the guy who made the effort to call me to double confirm my order and the entire process was very friendly and meet my prompt. I found it really easy to order from the website especially I'm not local and also with a reasonable price. The bouquet were delivered on time. Most important thing is it was a wonderful surprise to my friend ! I genuinely appreciate the customer care given to me. Good job and keep it up. Thank you. Best Regards, Tyrese Burton

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