Australian International School Singapore i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeAustralian International School Singapore


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1, Lorong Chuan, 556818, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6883 5155
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Latitude: 1.3481584, Longitude: 103.8594677

kommentar 5

  • Luke Batchelder

    Luke Batchelder


    Too many darn australians

  • en

    sdk cdwmnchvw


    dish scool very improv my england

  • Cray Cray Ricey

    Cray Cray Ricey


    I have completed 3 years in AISS (I have now left). i started at AISS in the beginning of 2015 (in year 7). Teachers and students are generally quite friendly, though it took me a while to adjust to the AIS culture. The school is really spacious, though I don't suggest you buying food from the canteen on a regular basis as the queues can be a real problem if you have limited time.

  • Cedric Soh

    Cedric Soh


    Went to check out AIS preschool, the largest preschool in Singapore Building and facilities are very new. Lots of facilities for the kid if the parents are alright with the higher than average school fees

  • flyjump



    Been here since Y2, leaving at the end of this year (Y6 for me). I think I can adequately review my time as a student here since I have experienced Junior, Elementary and Secondary school life. The other students are very nice and will help you as you settle in, I found this myself, and now I try to return the favour by doing the same to others. Classrooms, pod areas and lockers are fairly large, however it is very clustered at lunch, recess and dismissal. Classwork is quite easy though, and if you are above average standard then you should find it easy to do the work. Most of the time I am given higher level work to do (e.g Y7 textbooks in Y6). Teachers are very kind and polite and are very easy to understand and follow. They encourage you to ask questions and contribute to class chat in home room. Overall AIS has been a great experience for me to go to school in a foreign country.

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