Bay Hotel Singapore i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeBay Hotel Singapore



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50, Telok Blangah Road, 098828, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6818 6666
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.2662198, Longitude: 103.8238542

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jerry Seow


    The Bay Hotel is close to the central business district, yet far enough away to have a more relaxed ambience that complements a hard day's work. It is situated within walking distance to one of the biggest malls in Singapore and guests could also walk to the island resort of Sentosa.

  • Khurram Jamali

    Khurram Jamali


    Solid price/ performance mix. Rooms are small but well kept. Location is phenomenal. Staff is very very helpful. Accessibility is amazing.

  • Shawn Ong

    Shawn Ong


    Overall setting is good and location is strategic to be accessible to many places. Especially the rooftop bar has a very strong and romantic ambience. Have no negative comments on the overall impression on service as staff of Bay Hotel have been very helpful and friendly everytime I step foot in their premises.

  • Natalie Tam

    Natalie Tam


    It's my first time business trip stay in this area, a bit far from the city. Nothing can shop in Vivo city, however, lots of food near by and close to station which help me can travel around Singapore easily. Bay hotels room quite big, queen size bed. however, the bathroom too small and just has glass feel not good. If can choose better stay somewhere close to main city

  • Robin Witte

    Robin Witte


    Decent hotel, staff is nice, rooms are clean, there is a tiny pool and the minibar is compmimentary. Other than that nothing special about it. I probably would have given 4 stars if they hadn't charged 50% more on every stamp for our postcards than the usual stamp price. In most hotels I know sending your letters/post cards is even a complimentary service and especially in a place like Singapore where you can't buy stamps in every shop around the corner this would have been nice. Not good, not bad, if you want to stay exactly in this area it's a decent option.

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