Berjaya Waterfront Hotel, Johor Bahru i Johor Bahru

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeBerjaya Waterfront Hotel, Johor Bahru



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88, Jalan Ibrahim Sultan, 80300, Johor Bahru, MY Malaysia
kontakter telefon: +60 7-221 9999
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.470764, Longitude: 103.783233

kommentar 5

  • Manoj kumar

    Manoj kumar


    Great loction & front desk staff friendly 👍 But some time keys not working in room door so maybe they need to findout problem Overall good Ill visit again

  • 叶总



    Duty free for Cigarette, beers and wines. Drink in the area is duty free, One Carlsberg 320ml is RM3.90! The cheapest beers you could find in Johor, or probably Malaysia! But if you bought a lot and bring outside from the complex, you may get taxed at the custom nearby. Vincent Tan bought the it and changed the name to Berjaya WaterFront. There are several new restaurants and shops, the whole level 2 is for IT, lots computers and handphone shops moved to here. It will be great new look! The building with newly painted, and look absolutely awesome! Starbucks, Kenny Rogers, 7-Eleven, … a lot more new shops you can find here! Jom, let's go!

  • en

    Haziqah Nasaruddin


    Parking very far from the lift to hotel room. Feeling insecure when have to walk from lift to room late at night. TV channel not clear but good part is every room has handy phone for customers to use. Anyhow, breakfast and room is good

  • Rahul Sagane

    Rahul Sagane


    The Berjaya Waterfront is pretty big hotel. But the room are not maintained. You might see bed bugs and hotel reception will not provide you alternate room. Even if the hotel has many rooms they might not entertain you. I didn’t had major problems but my Friend and family had to face the problem. Probably it might be due to Long weekend. Breakfast 🍳 was good with lots of variety. There is duty free shopping below the hotel. Outside you can visit 4 bars / Pubs and local food option as well. JB City Square Mall is 15 mins by taxi 🚕

  • en

    nour tariq


    Satisfactory stay for 2 nights.. the room was pleasant even though the toilet looked a little rundown.. Breakfast was great with a lot to choose from.. overall a good stay in Berjaya

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