Civil Service Club @ Loyang (former Aloha Loyang) i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeCivil Service Club @ Loyang (former Aloha Loyang)


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159W, Jalan Loyang Besar, 507020, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6581 9033
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.3803943, Longitude: 103.9620506

kommentar 5

  • Wai Kit Chan

    Wai Kit Chan


    Good if you have the correct expectations. It is a chalet with fairly new amenities like wifi and internet enabled TV. Swimming pool was a bit dirty from fallen leaves. Limited parking near each bungalow so other guests must be prepared to walk.

  • en

    Gary Chia


    Decent place for family gatherings. Not too run down or anything. Bring your own cloth though. They provide only one!

  • en

    Jim Wang


    I have not been back to Aloha Loyang for quite a few years and was pleasantly surprised by the renovation and revamp of the terrace. The flooring is now a nice vinyl or wood and there is wifi too. Feels a lot cleaner!

  • grundayuni



    Rented the bungalows. Clean & spacious. Ideal for big family gathering or just chilling wif a seaside view. Wireless is strong even in d rooms. Each room comes with a bath. Would definitely go there again.

  • Andrew Tan

    Andrew Tan


    A resort style staycation which all civil service personals can booked and rent the chalets. You bring all your required food and clothings there and invite your family or friends to stay over for a good time of fellowship. You may swim, walk, jog, cycle and do other outdoor activities at the beach or the park. At night BBQ is a fantastic activity to include. Wonderful and very clean place to spend time with friends and family members.

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