Fort Canning Lodge i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeFort Canning Lodge


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6, Fort Canning Road, 179494, Singapore, SG Singapur
kontakter telefon: +65 6338 4222
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.2975972, Longitude: 103.8449476

kommentar 5

  • en

    Year Bune Seraypheap


    Nice place in a central location. The room we got was for four and was big enough that we weren't bumping into each other. The view isnt great but with Fort Canning Park across the street, you can just walk over for view. We aren't the type to lounge around our hotel anyways so we're content with the amenities. Security is good as you need a key card to get to your floor. They do have a pool but if you're looking for relaxation around the pool, not here. The pool is filled with kids spashing around, and why not, it's the YWCA. You can eat at their restaurant or walk to the many shopping plazas around Fort Canning. If you're a light sleeper, there's construction next door. Otherwise, great place.

  • en

    Kong Jian Hao


    Visited the grace room on level 2 for an event. For some reason, was directed to the 3rd floor by the front desk staff, even though the lift buttons label it on the 2nd. Toilets are nice. Decent cosy place. Vending machine charges $1.50 for a can of coke. There is a cute souvenir store on the first floor.

  • en

    Hadi Wiputra


    Well worth it for the price! Prime location, clean room, good service and good enough swimming pool. However, the swimming pool might be fully occupied by swimming classes. But, the hotel cost us only 100 SGD per night, that's more than worth it

  • 김창혁



    오늘 아침 일찍 9시전 도착했는데 무료로 얼리체크인 해주시네요. 완전 감사함. 졸고 있던 우리 가족이 불쌍해보이긴 했을겁니다. 룸은 넓은 편이고 상태는 그냥 무난합니다. 냉방은 역시 쎕니다. 조식은 그닥 추천하지 않습니다. 어쨌든 가성비 괜찮습니다 ! Good place, pleasant travel !

  • en

    Ngu2 K


    I have gone here to pick some friends up so I can't really comment on the guest rooms here. However, the ambience of the lobby is quite nice. I would say the receptionists have very nice and serving attitude which impressed me so much. They are helpful and friendly. They made extra calls to make sure I get my taxi when my taxi was late. Really appreciated their effort to make the guest feel welcomed and at home here.

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