Grand Park City Hall i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeGrand Park City Hall



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10, Coleman Street, 179809, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6336 3456
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.2924657, Longitude: 103.8500174

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Goh

    Kevin Goh


    Modern hotel and room is newly decorated. Many perks were given like free 2pcs laundry per day and free mini bar beverage. Pleasant stay!!!

  • en

    Daryl Lim


    Fantastic service for lunch and dinner, fine dining style with complimentary bread and appetiser with main course. Love it.

  • en

    Syeda Ghazia jaffery


    It's a nice hotel . At the Centre of the city.. easy to go around. Nice services. I don't like the menu for the break fast a lot.. should have more options

  • James Crowder

    James Crowder


    I have enjoyed everything about my stay here. The staff here is wonderful, the breakfast is good, housekeeping is great, and the rooms are very modern-- a delight to the eye. The rooms also sport cool features like controlling lights, AC, and unlocking your door with their app. Admittedly the rooms are no larger than necessary, but that wasn't very important to me. Worth noting that there is construction right now and the whole hotel isn't accessible, and I still feel this way. The only thing the hotel has lacked for me is a laundry room where I can wash my clothes (there is a laundry service, but I don't have that kind of money).

  • Robin Gwynne

    Robin Gwynne


    Comfortable 2 week stay Every hotel has a few niggles and the Grand Park is no exception. Fortunately, these do not significantly detract from a very pleasant stay. Staff are very friendly and helpful. Beds and pillows are luxurious. Hotel is clean and tidy despite undergoing renovations. My only caution, which may be specific to the 9th floor, is the water temperature... It does change from warm to hot to cold all by itself and it gets very hot indeed.

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