Grand Park Orchard i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeGrand Park Orchard



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270, Orchard Road, 238857, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6603 8888
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.3035171, Longitude: 103.836278

kommentar 5

  • en

    Irene Toh


    Location was great if you drive. You avoid most of the jam in the orchard road to get to the highway. And it's away from the hustle of the city. Hotel feels new although it's a few years old already.

  • Vincensia Indarto

    Vincensia Indarto


    I stay around 7 days in the hotel. The location is the best. Near the heart of orchard road. You can get to the shopping mall just ny walk. The room was nice. The staff is very friendly and the breakfast was great. I really enjoyed my stay in Grand Park Orchard.

  • Carys Thomas

    Carys Thomas


    I have stayed with this hotel frequently for work which have always been good experiences, but sadly on my visit this week it seems the standards are dropping drastically. The staff at the lobby remain very friendly, Bar Canary has had a small renovation but the room I stayed in looks dated, old and like it hadn't been freshly cleaned before my visit. The desk and side tables have dents and dust, the bathroom had hairs on the floor and a cereal fell out of the dressing gown, this is all after I had supposedly been 'up graded to a premium room'. This hotel is in a fantastic spot and should be getting lots of business, but I fear they will lose this business if they don't up their game...

  • Tiffany Angelina

    Tiffany Angelina


    Great value of hotel. In the center of orchard, everywhere you look is shopping mall, near from takashimaya, lucky plaza, paragon, all of them in walking distance. The staff is friendly and helpful, they are so nice to always greet you as you passed by. The room is standard but comfortable, my room (with twin bed) is big enough for 3 adults or 2 adults and 1 child. The bar and pool are attached together in the lobby, at night it's a cozy place to hang out with friends, the ambiance is good.

  • Chamendra Wimalasena

    Chamendra Wimalasena


    Love the poolside bar, has a decent gym, rooms are great. Stayed two weeks and felt right at home. Entrance is on the side road so it's not a hassle trying to get in and out of cabs. The view from the back wasn't all that great, but it's livable as the rooms are comfortable.

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