Hong Lee (Flagship Store) i Singapore

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SingaporeHong Lee (Flagship Store)



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kontakter telefon: +65 6287 5766
internet side: www.honglee.com.sg
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Latitude: 1.358296, Longitude: 103.895645

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tay Wee Hwa


    Bought a slab of Ariston marble for my dining tabletop from Hong Lee. Received a product of excellent quality accompanied by a full suite of remarkable service standard - from introduction of marble, selection of the right marble type (essential especially for dining tables), measurement/advice on tablestop design geometry and finally till delivery and installation process.

  • William Chew

    William Chew


    I am very satisfied with the tiles I bought from Hong Lee. It was exactly what my wife and I was looking for. They have all the designs required for all different home designs.

  • en

    Joanne Wang


    Got the tiles for my whole house from here.. has been 6 years and all the tiles are still in excellent condition despite the "harsh" treatments they were subjected to cox of my 2 kids.. good service from them too.. do give them a try..

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    Glen Sim


    Was originally provided with laminate flooring from krontnex which had the sinking feeling and raised surfaces due to moisture from the atmosphere. Did some research and noted that while vinyl is cheaper, it will not solve the sinking feeling due to uneven surfaces unless you resurface the floor. It would require changes after 6-7 years and could potentially emit poisonous substances. Parquet and other engineered wood surfaces would likely have the same problem as laminate. I visited several big tiles shops before deciding on hong lee's wood-like tiles. The staff took some time to understand my needs and explained the differences between the different type of tiles, something that was lacking in those bigger tiles shop I visited. The tiles here are also more value for money. Cleaning wise, in comparison with the rest of the developer provided tiles, these tiles are much easier to clean as dirt doesn't get stuck on it despite a rougher surface, a problem commonly faced by non-slip tiles.

  • en

    Jackson Wong


    I got my floor tiles, bathroom tiles, kitchen, island and bathroom counter-tops from HL. I was initially recommended by my in-laws for the value pricing HL offers and then realised the boss was a JC friend. The shop offers a decent selection of tiles - not so much that you have difficulty to choose, neither too little for options. I also understand that they refresh their designs to keep up with the trends. For the counter-tops, HL did the measurements and installation. The management places emphasis by being present to ensure nothing goes wrong and quality of work is checked. I think this is important as any poor workmanship will damage the wooden cabinets beneath. Finally, this is a family business and I can sense they serve all customers equally with sincerity. Pricing is also reasonable. Before shopping at the mega tiles shops, do drop by this shop first and be won by their service and products.

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