Hotel 81 Premier Star i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeHotel 81 Premier Star


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31, Lorong 18 Geylang, 398828, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6748 8181
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Latitude: 1.3115649, Longitude: 103.8808551

kommentar 5

  • en

    purushothaman solomon


    Good room with limited facilities. Good to stay at night. Can give more tea or coffee bags.

  • en

    Joshua Zheng


    Got 3 rooms for a trip for 5 people ordering all 2 twin rooms and 1 single but got only single rooms since apparently it's only a request and that it doesn't need to be fulfilled. My group is pretty heal cautious and we wanted rooms that don't smell like cigarettes. 2 of the 3 rooms reaked with the smoke smell each time you go in. This is in the red light district which is a downside for me as well. I strongly discourage people to stay here especially without a gym or fitness area. The rooms are also incredibly small.

  • chang them sum

    chang them sum


    Room 202 is haunted. Not joking, just saw excuse when you enter the room. We forgot that step and I had a bad experience. However the reception was good, they didn't even ask why we want to change room. They just change like they already knew what happened. :-)

  • Verranezhthassica Vella

    Verranezhthassica Vella


    The room is nice clean and cozy.. just the bathroom is small.. higher than my expectation ! Overall its good !

  • Grzegorz Łuszczek

    Grzegorz Łuszczek


    Cheap hotel with decent interior. Not that far away from 2 metro stations. Pretty good choice for that money in Singapore.

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