McDonald’s i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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267 Serangoon Avenue 3, #01-37, Singapore 550267
kontakter telefon: +65 6281 2079
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Latitude: 1.3534137, Longitude: 103.8709598

kommentar 5

  • en

    rose tan


    6 am no q. Super fast

  • en

    Brandon Soo


    Extremely bad service. They are struggling to do anything even when there's only one other order.... took them a whole 5 minutes to ignore me and when finally attend to me after 5 minutes. The other staffs don't help each other out but do their own things separately, super inefficient. I don't get why they are so busy and inefficient when they only have 1 order and 4 staff behind the counter...

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    Ravidran Ramachandran


    Service is really very bad. The staff took the wrong order n did not apologise. Moreover after taking the order it was again the wring order.

  • Henry Tan

    Henry Tan


    A better venue to have one's veggie burger with cuppa tea next time you patronize the renown family clinic from Serangoon Garden than its NEX counterpart : with more spacious seatings and cleaner tables and flooring made possible by the smiling hardworking and meticulous Mdm Mai Mun! The fast F&B taste a lot better with Mdm Mai Mun around ...

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    Christine C


    Easily accessible and opens 24-hour everyday. Self-ordering machine is buggy and you might need to check your orders before leaving, especially during peak hours or late at night.

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