Mediline Wei Min Clinic i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeMediline Wei Min Clinic



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14, Kensington Park Road, 557265, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6288 6029
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Latitude: 1.365158, Longitude: 103.866153

kommentar 5

  • Karin Chan

    Karin Chan


    Dr. Loke & Dr Sanjay are 2 very patience & thorough doctors. I always go to them! Although yes I agree sometimes the new staff nurse needs more training & be a bit smart in their job.

  • en

    Yvonne Chia


    Work injury billing to company. Cso cum nurse you are damn lousy, didn't you understand my company hr officer said you have to email the bills to us so we can pay. Management please look into your sop and training how you staffs communicate to my company hr.

  • Jerry Ong

    Jerry Ong


    Yo. How hard is it to pick up the damn phonecall. Jesus christ what are you people doing???

  • Daniel Pietschmann

    Daniel Pietschmann


    My wife went there for a tetanus shot because she was bitten by a cat. Some young stand-in doctor scared my wife and sent her to the hospital for x-rays and wound rinsing (said that they would cut her finger open and rinse it). Spent hours at the ER and doctor's there told us that it is not necessary, since it was only a flesh wound and the infection can't be seen now anyways, if there is an infection, then it will be seen later on or on the next day. This is not the first time I experienced this.

  • en

    George Chew


    There was no info that the clinic will be closed from 12pm-2pm. Arrived at the clinic at about 12:15, registered and told to come back at 2pm. Initially I thought it was because there are a lot of patient waiting. But when I went back at 1:30pm, not a single patient was there, yet the staff told me to come back at 2pm! During registration, no one asked about my allergy. Good thing I remembered to inform them when I collected the medication. They changed the medication in the end. If not for their Sunday operating hours, I would not go there ever!!

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