Popular Bookstore i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporePopular Bookstore



🕗 åbningstider

23 Serangoon Central, #04-59/60 , Nex Mall, 59 / 60, Singapore 556083
kontakter telefon: +65 6514 6718
internet side: www.popular.com.sg
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Latitude: 1.350481, Longitude: 103.8720664

kommentar 5

  • Ryan Ho

    Ryan Ho


    Wide selection of stationery and books on offer. Surprised to even see electronics being sold at the store as well. They offer good priced items for their in-house brand items.

  • J T

    J T


    Clean & tidy. Just that queues might be insanely long during peak hours and place is quite cramp.

  • Daniel Pietschmann

    Daniel Pietschmann


    Went to buy 2 diaries and needed more expensive ones. Since they were a gift for my wife. Found 4 women talking in Chinese and I watched them for a few minutes before they attended to me. First thing, they snapped at me, like I was disturbing their chats. Assistance 0, said "don't have". After 30 minutes I found them myself. Spent $80 with no assistance. I should have walked away and bought it somewhere else. Will not return or recommend. Staff not customer oriented.

  • en

    Yi Chiao Cheng


    Newly renovated. Stationery and gifts section had been upgraded and placed closer to the entrance to attract customers

  • Natasha Phoon

    Natasha Phoon


    I was just at this bookstore a few minutes ago. What happened? I got pushed roughly to the side but one of their staff! What is this?! Is this how you treat your customers, your patrons?! This is an act of physical violence! I might have fallen and broken my arm! I am going to sit for one of the most important exam in my life for violin! Who is going to compensate for the damage, if caused? I am sincerely disappointed with this bookstore! I hope someone can do something about this! This is outrageous and uncalled for!

nærmeste Bog butik

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