Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeSingapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel



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320, Orchard Road, 238865, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6735 5800
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Latitude: 1.305104, Longitude: 103.832837

kommentar 5

  • Yudani Deker

    Yudani Deker


    Good food and service by Krishna Bala:-). Good location and great place to just relax, and enjoying a cocktail or two......and watch the world goes by. Though cocktail’s selection isn’t as great and the taste is quiet watery. Wines and beers are always an option😊

  • en

    Daryl Zeng


    Fantastic value for money buffet at Marriot cafe. We paid 80++ for 2 pax for the lunch buffet. Where else can you get lobsters for lunch at such good prices. The spread was decent but quality of food was not compromised. Overall it is one of the better buffets in Singapore that I have went to.

  • en

    Savannah Scott


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... Staff at the pool bar is very attentive and accomodating. My set meal I had choose fruit platter for dessert and had requested no to certain fruits which are on their standard platter and they changed it completely for me.

  • Sebestian Lim

    Sebestian Lim


    Had a high tea buffet before. The food is fresh and with quite a big spread. I love the local soup makes me feel in at home. The customer service is good too.

  • M. Ariful Islam Bhuiyan

    M. Ariful Islam Bhuiyan


    Service is good and staffs are friendly. Location is good as well. They have workshop room is level 2. Swimming pool view is wonderful. They are also following some environmental friendly initiative like changing towels as per clients needs.

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