Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa SG

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeSofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa


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2, Bukit Manis Road, 099891, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6708 8310
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Latitude: 1.2456125, Longitude: 103.8277742

kommentar 5

  • Simran Pachar

    Simran Pachar


    The best resort I've ever been to. The place is perfect for rejuvenation and relaxation. The staff is really helpful and professional. The chef is brilliant. The property is really beautiful and makes it hard to say goodbye to.

  • Ali Chua

    Ali Chua


    It's a lovely place to hang out for couples and families alike. We were here for a wedding banquet, and we were very much happy with the pleasant experience we got. Food was good, ambience of the location was lovely, and albeit small and pricey, it's very good for a very small cozy crowd. Do check them out the next time you're looking for a location!

  • Flo Yeow

    Flo Yeow


    I really like this place as a banquet hall. It's comfortable, the food is amazing, and the service is pretty good, or at least the time that I was there. Although it's relatively smaller and pricey, I really like how you can achieve a very intimate experience because of it. You get free toll entrance if you're able to quote the name of the couple or show the invitation, so all is good on the costing side, even for guests.

  • en



    Huge motel. Everything about it was nicely done. Fast WiFi everywhere. 30m pool Fountains. flora and fauna abundant. Nice food and other facilities. Tariff was a little to expensive compared to others. Location could be better.

  • Eleanor Toyer

    Eleanor Toyer


    Beautiful gardens and a lovely lake side walk. Very well kept and although I didn't do it there was a buggy tour. Only thing I will say is the walk way was very short so not really worth the money seeing as you could go to the bridge and get similar views

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