Toa Payoh Vets i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeToa Payoh Vets



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1002 Toa Payoh Industrial Park, #01-1477, Singapur 319074
kontakter telefon: +65 6254 3326
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Latitude: 1.335044, Longitude: 103.861034

kommentar 5

  • en

    tange tang


    To all pet owners, pls consider twice if u are bringing ur pet to this vet. I have my terrapin died within 1day under his care. The way he treats his clients pet is horrendous if u go to YouTube n watch his videos. Not wearing gloves treating animal infections n even the place housing the sick pets is disgusting. Complete display of unprofessionalism. I only found out bad reviews about this vet after my 20 year old terrapin died under his harsh treatment n i deeply regret it. I am not a rival vet coming here painting a bad picture him, jus that i do not want any pets dying undet his care so pls think twice visiting this vet. That doctor sing does not even sound apologetic to me. And also the fees they charge there is unreasonable.

  • en

    Susan Tan


    Dr Sing and his staff showed great professionalism and care for the animals. The vet responded to owner’s concern promptly even after the veterinary was closed. Treatment was prompt and charges reasonable.

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    J C


    Nearly visited until online states they perform declawing for pets. Disgusted by that service

  • Jason Willock

    Jason Willock


    Friendly staff. Family run clinic. Neutering of our dog was smooth.

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    Zhong Qian


    $450 dollar bill for a ear infection and no lab test at all! They tried to sell more product/service which is not related to her condition(prescribe heartguard eventhough I've already informed the vet that there are still a year worth of heartguard at home/ Suggest my pet to be sterilized eventhough she was brought over for a fever induced by ear infection). The total bill was over 450 dollars and there is no lab test to diagnose what is causing the infection! After she took the prescribed drug , she suffered from vomiting and hair fall from her face. I definitely won't come back again!

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