Village Hotel Katong i Singapore

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SingaporeVillage Hotel Katong



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25 Marine Parade, Singapore 449536
kontakter telefon: +65 6344 2200
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.3037177, Longitude: 103.9029408

kommentar 5

  • Shannon O'Brien

    Shannon O'Brien


    The hotel is quite accessible, although in an area without train services (need to get a bus or taxi, there is also an airport shuttle service). Staff are very helpful and accommodating. The room we stayed in was in excellent condition and the bed very comfortable.

  • Mus L

    Mus L


    Buffet spread was awesome! The mutton chop is awesome too! Might have limited spread but it's quality over quantity.

  • Colin Taylor

    Colin Taylor


    Very good hotel with exceptional service all round. Located within the Katong Village small shopping mall which includes a small supermarket, coffee shops, gym and hairdressers. The hotel itself is clean and the rooms are large with little balconies. The circular pool is on a roof deck with sun loungers and there is a small gym. The hotel room we stayed in came with a "Handy" brand smartphone which is free to use and includes free calls as well as data to use when roaming the city on your stay - so useful for tourists! I think they are building a new metro station nearby outside which will improve transport links even more although we got around ok using the buses outside.

  • en



    Best hotel to stay in Katong! There are 4 in the vicinity. I would recommend this one. Very good value for money. Very warm service! There is a bakery, restaurant, cafe, and a supermarket sharing the same building. Lots of food stores to eat in the Katong area along East Coast Road behind the hotel. More restaurants, book store, coin operated launderette in the mall at Parkway Parade diagonally across the road.

  • A R-T

    A R-T


    Lovely little place to rest and relax, with loads to do around the area. The room was very comfortable and the up to 2m depth pool was good enough for some light soaking and swimming. Definitely worth visiting again!

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