Days Hotel Singapore at Zhongshan Park i Singapore

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SingaporeDays Hotel Singapore at Zhongshan Park



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1, Jalan Rajah, 329133, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6808 6868
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Latitude: 1.3269787, Longitude: 103.8475099

kommentar 5

  • Deepthi Joanna

    Deepthi Joanna


    Good service. Best is their facility of the shuttle service and the handy phone provided with internet n calling... Very very helpful

  • en

    Shaun Nah


    Had the buffet lunch at 21 on Rajah. The food spread was decent, and the signature dishes didn't disappoint. It can get crowded during lunchtime and u would spend time queuing for food as the space is quite small.

  • Adriel Seah

    Adriel Seah


    I was there for a buffet dinner at the in house restaurant. The buffet spread was comparatively small, but apparently good things can come in small packages. The food was fantastic, boasting fresh king crab and rib eye steak as well as a sizable dessert selection. The waitstaff were courteous and friendly, always on hand to serve. All in all, it was a pleasant experience.

  • venkat ram

    venkat ram


    I had booked in advance and I got a good offer. The money was well spent. The rooms are a little small but adequate for a couple. They have an excellent restaurant too and a lovely park right adjacent. But the biggest plus is their free shuttle service to the nearby metro. That saved me a lot of money as I could more or less access any place via metro.

  • en

    Benjamin Goh


    The 21 on Rajah buffet was decent! There was a limited variety of food but otherwise it was a generally quite delicious. A plus point was it being halal so if you are looking for a halal restaurant to visit look no further. The ambience was quite nice with a navy theme to the restaurant. Service was pleasant with prompt clearing of plates and refilling of food. Overall a pleasant experience for me.

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