Fragrance Hotel - Balestier i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeFragrance Hotel - Balestier



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255, Balestier Road, 329710, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6252 6888
internet side:
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Latitude: 1.321974, Longitude: 103.8526529

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aylin Carissa


    For family room, can fit up to 3 people only. The bathroom is so small, if you want to use hot water (for shower) you should shower at >09.00 AM. The room is clean and nice. For tv shows only have a few. I only watched FoxMovies there :). The connection for wifi is good at night, not that good in the afternoon. It's a nice place to stay overall.

  • The Trips

    The Trips


    the reception upgraded our room , nice littel loft room . superb , good for business hotel.

  • Armando Pasague

    Armando Pasague


    One of the best hotel in SG offering worldclass service at a very affordable rate. Hotel staff are friendly. I will keep on coming back.

  • Kartika Damayanti

    Kartika Damayanti


    I stayed for 3 nights in here. Recommended budget hotel. Room was small but comfortable. Toilets are clean. At first i stayed in standard room, but it was too noisy because it was near lift. When i requested to move, they gave me upgrade for family room without additional charge. The new room has bed on the upper side. I like the room. It was comfortable, clean. I will atay in this hotel again if i visit Singapore.

  • Rhema Marthalia

    Rhema Marthalia


    I stayed in a room for 3 adults. The room was quite small, but they managed to use the space efficiently, and it was cozy: 1 queen bed below, and 1 single bed above it. The bathroom was also nice, clean, and I hope that the hotel can add water spray for the toilet. The staff was friendly (we can actually buy attraction tickets with a lower price here) and cleanliness wise, quite clean. But somehow, there was a trail of ants at the corner of the desk. Overall, awesome stay! Definitely would stay again :)

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