The Hive i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeThe Hive


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624, Serangoon Road, 218223, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6341 5041
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Latitude: 1.3157674, Longitude: 103.8587813

kommentar 5

  • Kong Huey Qian

    Kong Huey Qian


    The hive hostel is simply amazing! Everyone is very take care of me. The staff abhee is very friendly and nice. This is unforgettable experience and I will choose to stay here again ;) It's a platform for me to make friends, learn from each others, gain knowledge and....have a good sleep as well! ;D

  • en

    charles lee


    i love travelling and i always choose budget friendly accomodation. one of my friend recommend the hive because its affordable.yah its true but i just dont like what messy the sink and bed mattress smells stingy. maybe the cleaner havent change the cover. hope the management can deal with it.

  • en

    jean uy


    this place is accessible into nearby places but i cant recommend for the clealiness beacuse only in walking areas was sweeply clean but under the beds was dusty. and i dont like the cleaner with a long hair who is snobbish. her face is not accomodating

  • john pascual

    john pascual


    one of the best hostel, complete facility. excellent customer service. highly recommended!

  • pasindu kuruppuarachchi

    pasindu kuruppuarachchi


    Nice bed... Well maintained.. staff is good cheap attraction tickets... toilets are clean fast internet.. love this place... Next time for sure...

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