Ibis Singapore Novena i Singapore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SingaporeIbis Singapore Novena


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6, Irrawaddy Road, 329543, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6808 9888
internet side: www.accorhotels.com
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Latitude: 1.3261607, Longitude: 103.845621

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dustin Lim


    The burger at Oopen was very good. So was the fish and chips. The pasta and pizza was average. Staff were friendly. The lobby of the hotel was small though and doesn't quite accommodate large crowds.

  • en

    Pawan Aneja


    Ibis hotel is good. It is nice , neat and clean. Buffet breakfast is excellent. Service is excellant. Although rooms are not very spacious but are well maintained. Rooms have safe box and refrigerator. Taxis and public buses are available right outside hotel. The metro station is little far but hotel runs a free bus to metro station several times a day . For free service ...place a request with front desk in advance. There is a mall just outside at opposite corner where you can almost buy everything for daily use needs. Also just outside hotel there are free bicycle stand .. just take a bike to ride and keep back at same stand or many of such stands in Singapore after ride .

  • Inderpreet Kaur

    Inderpreet Kaur


    The rooms are so close together that we cannot even talk with the other person hearing it. You can't have a decent conversation with someone eavesdropping. Small rooms, but definitely you cannot have your privacy. Housekeeping could be much better.

  • Denis Llagami

    Denis Llagami


    It's a good range (there are three Ibis) of budget/business hotels. Quite central and near Novena Square, MRT and several hospitals. There's a shuttle bus provided by the Hotel to Novena Square and taxis are easy to get too. There's no swimming pool though but there's a gym available. The staff are courteous, helpful and accommodating.

  • Compu



    The location is quite nice. The hotel has a complimentary pick and drop service from the closest metro also bus stops are walking distance. The staffs were really well behaved and helpful. The pricing was moderate and they show everyday price at the front.

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