Value Hotel Thomson i Singapore

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SingaporeValue Hotel Thomson



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592, Balestier Road, 329901, Singapore, SG Singapore
kontakter telefon: +65 6358 2323
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Latitude: 1.326838, Longitude: 103.842759

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jerome Pang


    Aircon takes a very long time to cool down to the point that my hosted guests thought it was spoilt and asked for an alternate room. Room is very small and lack windows. Much better off renting nearby AirBNB for the same or lower cost.

  • en

    Riztie Shen


    Definitely not a good hotel. The staffs didn't even use proper greetings and smile. They were so rude I just can't stand it. Only the housekeeping staff was quite helpful. I borrowed a hairdryer from the receptionist because the one inside hotel room had a burnt smell. The receptionist girl didn't want to lend it at first, she even asked a staff to go to my room and check. Then I told her I saw other guest borrowing from her yesterday and she gave me the hairdryer straight away in an unpleasant way. "RETURN AS SOON AS YOU FINISHED USING THIS" she said to me rudely. I'm usually not a demanding guest, this time I just can't help but to complain. I know this is a budget hotel. But are the staffs allowed to treat their guests this way? Also, the room is too small, no window, not soundproof (I couldn't sleep well during my stay) and smells bad. Please just improve the SERVICE. That way, guests would feel better even if the room is shabby.

  • en

    r sashimi


    the price is attractive for those not wanting to burn a hole in the pocket. the sore point of my stay at this hotel is the bathroom. the bath area is not protected thus the entire floor of the bathroom will be wet after a shower. furthermore the wash basis is so all that washing your face will wet the floor. only bath towels are provided. no hand or face towels.

  • en

    King Guan Lau


    Value Hotel Thomson is slaved to accommodating guests from a particular country. Throughout the day, 30-50 people from said country check-in. They will speak with thunder in their voices, regardless of time. And cook in their rooms, with pungent smell of food fuming the corridor. I made the mistake of placing 2 of my visitors here. For 2 nights, they received no sleep. And both rooms smell musty each time they returned. Amazingly disappointing... It wasn't like this last year. Or the year before.

  • Keerthi Vasan

    Keerthi Vasan


    Value Hotel is a best budget hotel and you get free breakfast which is a plus. The rooms are small but it will server the purpose for tourists. Breakfast is served at the nearby shop and it has got lots and lots of varieties. The location is pretty good and hotel runs a free shuttle to the nearby railway station which is pretty good. Overall a value hotel for money.

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